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2019-01-29 来源:  浏览:    关键词:WGI,WGI落地中国,乐美尚音




        作为引入这项国际赛事的运营公司-乐美尚音(北京)乐器有限责任公司 执行董事姜宏女士致开幕词, 一句 “朋友们辛苦了” 让现场的200多名行进人及专业人士颇有感触,中国行进艺术与国际顶级赛事接轨,让行进人深深感到这一路走来有很多坎坷。


Ron Nankervis—WGI CEO

为什么WGI这项比赛会选择落地中国,WGI落地后给中国青少年又能带来什么呢,我们带着这些疑问,倾听了 Ron Nankervis—WGI CEO 的发言:

It is my honor to be here today and welcome the People’s Republic of China to the global family of WGI.  We are very excited to partner with Wonderful Music to bring unique experiences to students in your country. WGI began events in Asia four years ago, and we are excited to add WGI China to our list of international partners and to be in attendance at the prestigious launch of WGI China. 

今天来到这里, 欢迎中国区加入WGI的全球大家庭, 我感到非常荣幸。 我们非常高兴能与乐美尚音合作, 为贵国的学生带来独特的体验。WGI四年前在亚洲开始举办活动, 我们很高兴将 WGI 中国列入我们的国际合作伙伴名单, 并能出席这场令人瞩目的WGI 中国区发布会。

Musical performance celebrates the human spirit.  Through long hours of practice and hard work, students learn the values of discipline and determination and prove that teamwork is a rewarding and memorable experience. The hard work and dedication demonstrate that those participating in the arts such as music and dance are on the path to becoming champions in life.
音乐表演颂扬人类精神。通过长期的练习和努力, 学生们能够学会一种关于纪律和决心的价值观, 同时证明团队合作是一种值得纪念的经历。辛勤的工作和敬业精神表明, 那些参与音乐和舞蹈等艺术的人正在走在成为生活冠军的道路上。

WGI is a dynamic youth organization that began 42 years ago with twenty groups. Today WGI has over 1,600 color guards, percussion ensembles, and marching winds groups across the globe that provide a positive and educational experience for thousands of performers. That introduction has led countless students to pursue careers in the arts and sets the stage for generations to come.
WGI是一个充满活力的青年组织, 成立于42年前, 有20个组别。如今, WGI 在全球拥有超过 1600个旗舞、打击乐和乐队组, 为数以千计的表演者提供了积极的教育体验。这一介绍使无数学生从事艺术事业, 为下一代人奠定了基础。

The training camp beginning this week will lay the foundation for a thriving learning community in China.  We are grateful that our philosophies are rooted in a foundation of education and training. It is a momentous beginning for those interested in the marching arts in your country.
本周开始的训练营将为中国蓬勃发展的学习社区奠定基础。 我们感谢我们的哲学植根于教育和培训的基础上。对于那些对贵国行进艺术感兴趣的人来说, 这是一个重要的开始。
I invite everyone to witness a spectacular display of sport and art at the first WGI China in May. We are grateful to all in China extending the hand of friendship and exploring opportunities for youth. On behalf of all of everyone at WGI Sport of the Arts, welcome to all the students, parents, and educators to our international family dedicated to providing a platform for young people to achieve the extraordinary.
我邀请所有人在5月的第一届 WGI中国上见证体育和艺术的精彩展示。我们感谢中国人民伸出友谊之手, 为青年开拓机遇。代表 WGI艺术运动的每一个人, 欢迎所有的学生, 家长和教育工作者到我们的国际大家庭致力于为年轻人提供一个平台, 以实现非凡卓越。



此次出席活动的还有各大厂商代表,法国的Bergerault,长城代表的TAMA鼓,JINBAO乐器,功学社,MAIR DRUMS台湾明鼓,中国行进专业乐器CATAWA,MAGICIAN等,他们的代表都分别对于WGI的进入中国区表示热烈的欢迎,希望与WGI一同推动这项行进表演艺术在中国蓬勃发展。





